The Book

          The quarter moon glowed down on the Moonrocks, making them seem silver. It seemed that nothing could make these rocks seem less peaceful. But there was.
          Two clans, part from ShadowClan and part from ThunderClan were hissing and snarling at each other. On a silent signal, with unsheathed claws, a dark brown leapt onto a ginger tom, and the rocks became a flurry of screeching cats.
          In the mass of cats, a flame colored tom of ThunderClan pinned a black ShadowClan tom down. “Blackclaw!” the ThunderClan warrior spat. “What is ShadowClan doing; just going and trespassing on other clans territories and hunting on them? The Moonrocks belong to ThunderClan!”
          “After this, Firetalon, the Moonrocks will be ShadowClan’s!” the black tom hissed back. A shriek came from a small ginger she-cat. “Help!” Firetalon jumped off Blackclaw and went to rescue the small she-cat. He threw the ShadowClan warrior off of her back. “Run Mistynose, run!” She was bleeding from a scratch that the warrior gave her.
“Firetalon—this is useless! And look! More ShadowClan warriors are coming! We must retreat!” The yowl came from a white she-cat. “Never! ThunderClan will never be defeated!” “No, Firetalon. We must retreat. We cannot risk losing any warriors.” The meow came from Ashfoot, the ThunderClan deputy. “Retreat ThunderClan, retreat!
 “Dovestar… StarClan sent me an omen. There was a cat; a silver-gray she-cat. StarClan then said “Rain will quench fire”. I don’t know what it means!” “Calm down, Dapplespot. You know that StarClan never makes things seem clear. The cat—her name must be rain.” “But Dovestar, it seemed like she was sitting in the garden of a Twoleg nest!” “Well then Dapplespot, she must be a kittypet.” “But I don’t get it, Dovestar!” “You will, young Dapplespot. You always do.”

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